harisen (a paper fan used by the straight man for slapstick ) for a straight man (tsukkomi ) in manzai . ツッコミ用ハリセン
it is square timber inscribed with the words such as celebration for roof-laying , decorated with old style origami in red and white , a paper fan , gold and silver leaves or their substitute (gold or silver paper ), and is used to pray for various forms of happiness and protection against evils , in connection with the house and the family . 家や家族の様々な幸福や厄除けを願う物であり、角材に祝上棟などと書き込み紅白の古式折り紙や紙製の扇、金箔や銀箔またはそれらに代わる金、銀紙などで装飾された物。
fan fold paper: fan folded paper: fan folding paper: fan-fold paper: 連続用紙{れんぞく ようし} fan-folded paper: ファンフォールド紙 fan-folding paper: 連続用紙{れんぞく ようし} fan: 1fan n. 扇, 扇風機. 【動詞+】 flutter a fan 扇をひらひらさせて使う fold a fan 扇子を閉じる install an electric fan 扇風機を取りつける open a fan 扇を開く The peacock opened its magnificent fan. クジャクが立派fan in: {名} : fan-in: {名} : 論理入力{ろんり にゅうりょく} to fan: to fan 煽る あおる 扇ぐ 煽ぐ あおぐ in the paper: 《be ~》新聞{しんぶん}に載る on paper: on paper 紙上 しじょう paper: 1paper n. (1) 紙. 【動詞+】 Crease the paper before tearing it. その紙を裂く前に折り目をつけること fold the paper so that the edges will be even 端がそろうように紙を折る He folded the paper in half. 紙を半分に折った abyssal fan: 海底扇状地{かいてい せんじょうち} aerodynamic fan: aerodynamic fan 回転型送風機[化学]